Social Solidarity Projects:
Based on our strong belief of the importance of social solidarity, we officially founded Social Service and Public Relation Unit in 2004, bearing its financial burdens. Through such unit, we reflect the philosophy of the association, which seeks to stand by marginalized and vulnerable groups and aims to empower women, children, and people with special needs.Since its founding, the department has worked to spread the message of the association, and established cooperative networks with Jerusalem-based institutions. Our association participated in showing initiatives aimed at enhancing the reality of Jerusalem. These efforts could be noticed through the following:
- Orphan Sponsorship Program: this programe is carried by Emleson Society. We constantly seek to expand its scope in order to be able to support as many as possible of Jerusalemite children. Currently, we have a list of 423 orphans whose conditions have been fully and accurately examined by our social workers who have proved their serious needs for sponsorship. Out of our input list, a total of 246 children have been taken care of. Such support is usually given under the financial aid of local , internatinal community and public charities.
- Fun day for Orphan: the Emleson has been organizing afun day for orphans for six years in cooperation with other institutions. This takes place in April of each year. We attemp to enhance performace to invoke an influntial message that the community has not and will not forget Ther responsepilty to words them.
- Social Solidarity Programs: during this period, we have provided financial and pychological supports to 492 families officially and continuously, in addition to 400 families that receive occasional aid in festivals and special events.
- Awareness-rasing Programs: the Emleson concentrates on spreading consciousness among the people of Jerusalem by conducting workshops and awareness sessions in arrangement with specialized institutions. Topics usually range between legal rights of Jerusalemites in all aspects; drugs, its potential dangers, and prevention; education; and adolescence.
- Women Empowerment Programs: we empower women by offering workshops related to project management, embroidery, Palestinian cuisine,helth awarenes , positive parnthhood and others.